Tuesday, August 27, 2013

August Work

We have had an enjoyable first month of school!  Everyone has made a smooth transition about going back to/learning our classroom routines.

We are continuing to do the main academic portions of our day as centers.  Students are grouped into three groups based on skill level/need, each group has 2-3 students.  The groups then rotate through three centers during both literacy and math times.  Right now, we are working for 8 minutes at each center.  Throughout the year the time will increase.  I display a visual timer during these center times as well as most work times.  The students have learned that whatever activity they are working on needs to continue until the timer goes off.  (I imagine this could easily be used for tasks/activities at home too... I use this timer, typically without sound.)

 Here is a look at center time:

Sorting: Money vs. Non-Money

iPad for small groups
Mrs. Frazee is also joining us at center times on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  She runs her own center during the literacy center time.  Mrs. Frazee always plans something fun and exciting for the kids to touch and explore as they work on their speech  goals.

We also are continuing to see Mrs. Frazee on Tuesday afternoons during social skills group with Ms. Weston(the school social worker).  The last Tuesday of the month is our game day.  The group games are designed to help the kids learn to play appropriately with peers.  This month we played Duck, Duck, Goose and Red Rover, two favorites from last year!

In the pictures below, we are participating in an activity where the students had to answer, "What did you do this summer?"  Ms. Weston and Mrs. Frazee had lots of visuals ready for the students to pair with speech.