Monday, January 28, 2013

Snowmen and Sand

I hope everyone has enjoyed their extra day off for a long three day weekend!  We ended last week with some fun activities on Thursday and Friday. 

On Thursday, Mrs. Frazee and Ms. Weston had another fun social work lesson planned for us!  The students first participated in an activity that required them to put them their listening skills to use.  Each student was given a small toy and then Ms. Weston called out various directives for them to follow.  For example: "Put your toy on your head."  "Put your toy on the ground."  Many of the students in the class have goals to work on following directions without multiple prompts.  It was a fun way to practice this important skill!

Then, we acted out a rhyme similar to "5 Little Monkeys (jumping on the bed)."

5 Little Snowmen riding in a sled,
1 fell out and bumped her head!
Frosty called the doctor and the doctor said,
"No more snowmen riding in a sled!"

Here is a video:

On Friday afternoon, we rotated through some fun (and messy!) centers.  Take a look at some of our fun centers in action.

Here is a video of a few students having a blast with Mr. Bob:

**Reminder - Wednesday, January 30th 2 Hour Delayed Start.
Your child's bus will pick them up two hours from their regular pick-up time.  We will begin our day at 10:10am.  Lunch and Dismissal will stay on schedule with a regular day.


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