Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!  
Here are a few pictures from our party last Thursday.

Mr. Bob, one of our classroom paraprofessionals, was a hit in his Tigger costume!

We are waiting for the parade of students to come by in their costumes.  It was very noisy and there was a lot of waiting... but EVERYONE did an outstanding job.  I was so proud of the kids for handling the sensory overload!

We played a bean-bag toss game to win bags of goodies.

At another center we made cotton ball ghosts.
We also enjoyed some yummy popcorn, orange cups, and juice!

I hope everyone is having a nice break.  We will be back to school on Monday, November 5th. 
Have a fun and safe night of Trick or Treating :)

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Nutrition Presentation

If anyone is interested, I received an email about a presentation on nutrition for children with special needs.  I know that many of you have mentioned that you have a difficult time getting your child to eat many foods. 

If you have any questions, you may contact Jean Baber from the LCISD Ed Tech Center at (810) 667 - 6166.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Pumpkin Fun

Remember - Tomorrow, Thursday, October 25th our Halloween Party will take place from 2:00 - 3:00.  We will be participating in the school parade at around 2:15.  The rest of the party will be spent enjoying some fun Halloween centers, snacks, and showing off our costumes.

Pumpkin Investigation: This week we completed a "Pumpkin Investigation."  The kids were excited to be able to get their hands on the pumpkin, and today - IN the pumpkin!  We listed words to describe our pumpkin on the outside, guessed how many lines were on the outside of the pumpkin, the color of the inside, and predicted how many squares tall the pumpkin would be.  It was a great combination of math skills (counting, measuring, and prediction) and the opportunity to practice our speech and vocabulary.

Today we cut open the pumpkin to see what color was on the inside.  (We decided on orange and yellow!)  A few adventurous students dug right in!

Mat Man: This week we began working with Mat Man from the Handwriting Without Tears program.  It is designed to teach body awareness, counting, drawing, and pre-writing skills.  There is an interactive game online here.  We sing as we build our Mat Man together, each student takes a turn placing a body part on Mat Man.  The kids also made their own Mat Man pieces that they have started to build on their own at their desks.

Mat Man made as a group from wooden pieces.

Student created Mat Man pieces.

Monday, October 15, 2012

An October Update

It's hard to believe our first trimester is almost over!  The past few months have gone by so quickly, and the kids are continuing to work hard and show some outstanding progress!

Here's a look at what we've been up to lately...

Word Study: Today we began a new word family, _am words.  We are focusing on: am, ham, slam, ram, Pam, and the sight words: to, the.  We are using our letter sounds to build the words in each word family.  Words like to and the cannot be sounded out, so we are practicing them using songs and lots of repetition!  On Friday afternoon, we played Word Study BINGO using all the words we have learned since the beginning of the year.  It was amazing how well every student did with finding the words quickly.  I was so excited to see their progress.

Centers: The students are continuing to work well during our Reading/Writing and Math centers.  We use a visual timer to monitor the time spent at each center, and then rotate through each station.  Our Reading/Writing centers also have the pleasure of including our speech teacher Mrs. Frazee on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Mrs. Frazee runs her own center that always includes fun speech activities.  The students look forward to this center most of all!  She always brings exciting props and hands on activities that the children enjoy.  In addition to speech centers, we have also usually have at least one center focused on Word Study, one center focused on writing, and one center focused on letters and sounds.

Mrs. Frazee leads a fun fall center with apples.

We practice writing our letters in salt trays at a writing center.

Creating word family books at a Word Study Center.

Reader's Workshop: We have been working on the following Reader's Workshop lessons recently.
  • Readers keep their eyes on the book.
  • Readers think about the book they are reading.
  • Readers reread books they enjoy.
  • Readers read with a friend.
Life Skills: We have spent a lot of time working on identifying feelings.  Specifically happy, mad, and sad.  We also discussed things that could make us feel each of these feelings, and also what can we do to feel better again.  With the help of our school social worker, Ms. Weston, we have been introduced to self-calming break techniques from the Conscious Discipline series.  You can download the four calming techniques posters and also information about how to use them here.

Fun and Exciting News:
  • LINKS (peer buddies) are now helping us in the morning coming into the building, at our lockers, and during breakfast time.  We have four LINKS, both boys and girls joining us each morning.  
  • Our therapy dog from last school year, Pepper, is visiting us again on Thursday afternoons.  The kids look forward to her visit all week.

  • Halloween Party: A note will go home tomorrow (Tuesday, October 16th) about our upcoming Halloween party.  Since we do not have school October 26th - November 4th, we will be having our Halloween party on Thursday, October 25th from 2:00 - 3:00pm.  Family and Friends are invited to attend.