Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Pumpkin Fun

Remember - Tomorrow, Thursday, October 25th our Halloween Party will take place from 2:00 - 3:00.  We will be participating in the school parade at around 2:15.  The rest of the party will be spent enjoying some fun Halloween centers, snacks, and showing off our costumes.

Pumpkin Investigation: This week we completed a "Pumpkin Investigation."  The kids were excited to be able to get their hands on the pumpkin, and today - IN the pumpkin!  We listed words to describe our pumpkin on the outside, guessed how many lines were on the outside of the pumpkin, the color of the inside, and predicted how many squares tall the pumpkin would be.  It was a great combination of math skills (counting, measuring, and prediction) and the opportunity to practice our speech and vocabulary.

Today we cut open the pumpkin to see what color was on the inside.  (We decided on orange and yellow!)  A few adventurous students dug right in!

Mat Man: This week we began working with Mat Man from the Handwriting Without Tears program.  It is designed to teach body awareness, counting, drawing, and pre-writing skills.  There is an interactive game online here.  We sing as we build our Mat Man together, each student takes a turn placing a body part on Mat Man.  The kids also made their own Mat Man pieces that they have started to build on their own at their desks.

Mat Man made as a group from wooden pieces.

Student created Mat Man pieces.


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