Saturday, April 20, 2013

Technology in Our Classroom

We have been extremely lucky to have access to an abundance of technology in our classroom this school year.  We have gone from having two desktop student computers to a classroom iPad and eight netbook laptops (aka one for each student!).  For a classroom full of technology lovers, it has been heaven!  We are most frequently using the laptops during our reading/writing center time.  Some of the kids (and my!) favorite websites are:
Starfall - Lots of letter and reading activities.
ABCya - Reading, Math, and Fun games sorted by age level.  We use a lot of the Kindergarten games within the classroom.
Raz-Kids - Log-in under: NWilberding and find your child's name.  The website reads stories at each child's reading level. 


We are also extremely lucky to have our own classroom iPad.  This is by far the most beloved item in our classroom.  I use the iPad as part of my whole and small group lessons, and I have never seen everyone so engaged.  It also has been a motivating reward for students to complete their work or for positive behavior.  The best part is that they often will play on an education app during reward time! :)

Some of our favorite apps:
Wet Dry Try - Handwriting Without Tears Writing App
PBS Kids
Puzzle Toddlers
Endless ABC - Fun alphabet matching app, the letters take on characters and make fun letter sounds.
Sound Sorting Beginning Sounds - A Lakeshore Learning App for sorting beginning sounds.
Word Wizard (by Montessori) - MY FAVORITE APP.  You can import your own word lists and drag the letters to spell each word.  It also has pre-entered sight word lists.  I use this more than any other app.
ABC Easy Writer (Numbers)



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